As of this May we are returning to in person meetings at Lowell Observatory
CAS Monthly Meetings and Astronomical Programs are held the Saturday closest to the Full Moon at the Mars Hill Campus of Lowell Observatory, Hendricks Center for Planetary Studies Auditorium (6:45 pm - 8:00 pm., unless otherwise noted) followed by refreshments, and informal discussion. Meetings are open free to the public.
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Kevin Schindler, Lowell Observatory Historian
Title: “The 1894 Lowell Expedition”
Science historian and author, Kevin Schindler has written and lectured widely on the history of Lowell Observatory, its people and its many discoveries.
His publication, "The Far End of the Journey", is about the legendary 24-inch Clark telescope, and the trip by Douglass who visited fourteen sites around the Arizona Territory that led to the founding of Lowell Observatory.
You can view the video from the meeting here: Kevin Schindler Video
Saturday, February 19, 2022
William Seven, Society for Cultural Astronomy in the South West
Title: “Early Humans and the Cosmos”
Author and lecturer on Cultural Astronomy, Mr. Seven will discuss evidence suggesting the naked-eye observations early modern humans made in their environment. They envisioned a tripartite cosmos of sky, horizon and underworld. The knowledge of these early "astronomers" led to the establishment of mythologies, cultures and religions within these emerging agricultural groups, and to man's understanding of the universe and ourselves.
You can view the video from the meeting here: William Seven Video
Saturday, March 19, 2022
John W. Briggs of New Mexico
Title: “An Antarctic Odyssey: Winter-Over at South Pole Station”
John will describe his year-long experience living at the Geographic South Pole while working for the Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica. In preparation for this at Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago, John was a team member building a 24-inch infrared telescope and related experiments that were set up at the Pole in time for him and colleagues to observe the July, 1994, explosive crash of fragmented comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 into the planet Jupiter.
John weathered the "winter-over" with 26 other members of the U.S. Antarctic Program in an experience that many believe approximates what life will be like someday at a lunar or Martian outpost. Once begun, South Pole winter-over is an irreversible commitment, since the Program's special LC-130 ski planes can't land in the winter temperatures -- in 1994, sometimes as low as 107 degrees F. below zero (with windchill, as low as -180 degrees). John will show the audience his perspective on the total South Pole experience -- the strange natural environment, the odd social atmosphere, and the challenging, ongoing science.
John W. Briggs has lived and worked at far-ranging observatories in various technical capacities, including: Mount Wilson, Yerkes, National Solar, Maria Mitchell, Venezuelan National, Chamberlin, and South Pole Station. He came to New Mexico with his family in 1997 to assist in the final commissioning of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey at Apache Point. In the 1980s he was an assistant editor at Sky & Telescope magazine and built Bogsucker Observatory in Massachusetts. He is a member of many astronomical organizations including the Springfield Telescope Makers responsible for the annual Stellafane Convention in Vermont, and he serves on the board of the century-old American Association of Variable Star Observers. His principal activity now involves the Astronomical Lyceum, an informal museum, library, laboratory, and lecture hall devoted to historical astronomy and its preservation, and his role as secretary of the new Alliance of Historic Observatories.
You can view the video from the meeting here: John W. Briggs Video
This is a live presentation - Masks are required
Location: Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation
510 N. Leroux St., Flagstaff 86001
Time; 6:30-8:30PM
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Michael Collins
Title: “Lowell Observatory Research Telescopes”
A brief introduction to the telescopes used to collect science data at Lowell Observatory, with emphasis on instruments which have been added to the inventory over the past several years and information regarding future plans.
Michael is an electrical engineer in the Instrumentation Group at Lowell Observatory.
Starting with this meeting we are retuning to regular in person meetings at Lowell Observatory
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Dr. Danielle Adams, Lowell Observatory
Title: “Arabian Astronomy”
Dr. Adams earned her PhD from the school of Middle Eastern and North African Studies at UofA, with a minor in Cultural Anthropology. Herresearch centered on the development of Arabian astronomy from pre-Islam into the first centuries of the Abbasid Period. Her academic highly interdisciplinary program combined the fields of Arabic literature, cultural anthropology and astronomy. Fluent in Arabic, she lived in Beirut, Lebanon, for three years while studying Arabic poetry and Arabian astronomical texts.
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Summer Picnic at Fox Glenn Park
From 2:00PM to 6:00PM
Bring you own food an drink
Foxglenn Park on Butler Avenue, the large Ramada
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Bill Sheehan
Title: “The Apollo 8 'Earthrise' image: how it changed history—or not…”
This Powerpoint presentation is based on the 1968 Apollo 8 and Bill Anders’s "Earthrise" image—with a look from there back farther in history to the 50th anniversary of the end of World War I. It is meant to stimulate reflections on how much—or how little—progress has been made in 100 years. Recent national and world events have prodded Bill to think it might be worthwhile to consider all this again.
Bio.: Bill Sheehan is a retired psychiatrist, who moved to Flagstaff in 2016. He is the author of several astronomy books, including most recently (with Jim Bell) “Discovering Mars.”
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Dr. Lisa Prato
Title: “Exoplanets”
Dr. Prato held two post-doctoral fellowships at the University of California, Los Angeles, before moving to Lowell Observatory in 2004 where she studies Stellar Astronomy and Exoplanets.
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Dr. Padraig Houlahan
Title: “Seeing Differently - The Science behind the Webb Telescope”
Padraig will be discussing the science of spectroscopy, its connection with the Webb Telescope, and why thee spectroscopic results will greatly enhance the science of Astronomy in the near future. There will also be a demonstration of the spectral differences of various elements as observed through small spectroscopes.
Padraig Houlahan received his BA in Theoretical Physics from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and his MA and PhD in Astronomy from the University of Texas, Austin.
Padraig was Director of Information Technology at Lowell Observatory, and in 1995 Asteroid Houlahan (8407) was named in his honor. He has taught at both Coconino Community College and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Astronomy and Physics.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Dr. Padraig Houlahan
Because of technical issues with the September meeting Padrain's meeting it is being repeated again for the October meeting.
Note for this meeting only it is taken place in the Slipher Conference Room which is in the Rotunda building.
Title: “Seeing Differently - The Science behind the Webb Telescope”
Padraig will be discussing the science of spectroscopy, its connection with the Webb Telescope, and why thee spectroscopic results will greatly enhance the science of Astronomy in the near future. There will also be a demonstration of the spectral differences of various elements as observed through small spectroscopes.
Padraig Houlahan received his BA in Theoretical Physics from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and his MA and PhD in Astronomy from the University of Texas, Austin.
Padraig was Director of Information Technology at Lowell Observatory, and in 1995 Asteroid Houlahan (8407) was named in his honor. He has taught at both Coconino Community College and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Astronomy and Physics.
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Note change in date to the 12th.
CAS Member Activity Presentations
Theme: “See Below”
Each year CAS members are active in the pursuit of their avocation of Astronomy. At this meeting 4-6 members will present 10-15 minute overviews of the activities and achievements they were involved in during the preceding year.
Saturday, December 10, 2022
CAS Christmas Dinner
The meeting is at 2:00PM at a bungalow at the Peaks. See the PDF document below for directions.
Membership in CAS is open to all interested in learning more about astronomy and telescopic observing. Membership entitles you to attend, and be involved with, the monthly general meetings, as well as special club events, observing sessions, and star parties, at our Dark Sky Observing Site. Annual and monthly events postcards with CAS happenings are mailed to all Members.
Besides “Regular Membership,” CAS has “Household Memberships” for two adults at the same address, “Junior Memberships” for students, and “Sponsoring Memberships” for those wishing to help support the Society.
If you are interested in becoming a member use the brochure application form, or the one on our website ( Join Us) web page
For questions you can email us at:, or contact Anne Wittke, CAS Treasurer, at (928) 606-2064.
Board meetings are held on the Thursday preceding the regular Saturday meeting at the Mars Hill Campus of Lowell Observatory, Hendricks Center for Planetary Studies Auditorium. The meetings are open to all CAS members but the mailing list for the meetings only includes the board members.
Note that during our online meetings the link for the board meetings is the same as for the regular meetings.
Zoom opens at 6:30pm, meetings at 6:45pmJanuary | 13, | 2022 |
March | 17, | 2022 |
May | 12, | 2022 |
July | 14, | 2022 |
September | 8, | 2022 |
November | 3, | 2022 |
Due to the Croonavirus Williams Public Observing has been cancelled until further notice
On the Friday evening closest to First Quarter Moon, April through October, CAS hosts its monthly community outreach program to educate and promote interest in Astronomy to the general public.
CAS members set up their telescopes at Glassburn Park in Williams, and invite the public free of charge to observe the Moon and other visible objects in the night sky
Location:Glassburn Park - in the natural area west of Rod’s Steakhouse parking lot.
Take I40 west. Exit 165 into Williams. The park is about 2-3 blocks after the hill, just past the edge of town on the right.
April | 8, | 2022 |
May | 6, | 2022 |
June | 3, | 2022 |
July | 8, | 2022 |
August | 5, | 2022 |
Sept. | 2, | 2022 |
Sept. | 30, | 2022 |