Andromeda Galaxy |
Trifid Nebula |
The Triangulum Galaxy (Messier 33) |
The Eastern Veil Nebula |
Images above were shot about 10 miles east of Flagstaff near the Winona ext off I-40, even with Flagstaff being a dark sky city it's well worth taking short trips out for very dark skies for imaging. These images were captured through an Orion EON 130mm telescope, an AP Mach1 mount, and a modified Canon T3i camera, and surrounded by howling coyotes that make sure I'm awake. They have varying amounts of total exposure time, but all are around 2 hours. Image processing was done in Pixinsight to bring out all the detail buried deep in the image.
Eric Marlatt
Solar Activity |
Raven (and Solar Activity) |
The Crescent Nebula |