Nebulae 7 of 7
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West Veil Nebula NGC 6992
© 2019 Klaus Brasch
While recovering from recent surgery I have consoled myself by reworking some old astro images in hopes of improving them. This images of ever-beautiful NGC 6992, part of the huge Veil Nebula Complex, is the result. This spectacular super nova remnant is only a small part of this very large and favorite amateur observing target. I blended two sets of stacked images of the complex, one taken with an AP-155 refractor at f/7 and the other with a 12.5-Plane Wave CDK at f/8. Image capture was done with a spectrally enhanced Canon 6D, shooting at ISO 3200-6400 through an IDAS LPS-V4 filter. Cumulative exposure was approximately 30 minutes. The two sets of images were combined in RegiStar and processed in PS-CS6.
Klaus Brasch