CAS - Richard E. - Nebulosity


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NGC 7000 North American Nebula

I've been trying to expand my astrophotography work to wide field images using normal camera lenses. I have the usual 18, 28 and 50 mm lenses for Canon DSLRs but was looking for something with a little more magnification to it. To that goal I dug out my 44 year old Vivitar 70-210 with macro lens. It was originally made for a Minolta camera mount. This old lens has some evidence of crazing in its optical coatings but I wanted to see what it might offer in focal length. I placed a Canon lens mount adapter on it and after manually setting the f-stop to f/5.6 pointed it at NGC 7000, the North American Nebula. The attached image is a composite of seven frames shot at ISO 800 and 3200 for a total exposure time of approximately 26 minutes. Needless to say, I'm quite pleased with the performance of this old lens.


Meade 10" LX200/GPS, f/6.3 at prime focus guided by Orion StarShoot autoguider. 18 frames captured by Canon 60Da and Hutech Modified Rebel T5i with an LPS -V4 filter. Stacked in Registax, processed in PhotoShop CS3 with some fine processing assistance from Klaus Brasch.


Flaming Star nebula.


Triffid Nebula
20 Oct 2013.


Horsehead Nebula Mosaic of of 20 frames. Staked in Registar processed in Photoshop 6.1.


Pleiades. Mosaic of 18 frames stacked in Registar and processed in Photoshop 6.1. Oct 2013.

NGC 7635

Bubble Nebula. Stack of eight frames. Oct 2013.

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