Featured Photograph
Messier 42, the magnificent Orion Nebula
© 2024 Klaus Brasch
Messier 42, the magnificent Orion Nebula, a favorite object in any amateur telescope, is usually portrayed in vivid, high contrast colors. While that looks spectacular, the reality is that one of our closest stellar nursery’s true colors are likely much more subdued. I have attempted to depict it in hues one might expect as seen in a large aperture telescope, showing the light pink emission regions and the bluish reflection veils surrounding the nebula’s core.
DETAILS: Astro Physics AP 155 Starfire shooting at f/5.2, though an IDAS LPS-V4 filter and a spectrally modified Canon EOS 6D Mrk II. Total exposure: 8 minutes at ISO 4000.
Klaus Brasch
The featured photograph is any astronomical photograph provided by one of our members. If you are a member and have a photogaph you would like to submit please send the request along with the photograph and description to: info@coconinoastro.org.
Monthly Meeting for January
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Presenter: Jeromino Vasquez
Title: “Mayan Planetary Science: Implications of the 819 Day Calendar”
Jeromino is the owner of the Mayan Winds coffee house on Fourth Street and is currently on the Coconino County Board of Supervisors, District 2. His background is in education having worked in the Flagstaff district for 14 years. He has his Bachelor's degree in Botany and his Masters in Social Cultural Anthropology from NAU.
Over 2000 years ago, ancestral Mayans observed celestial intricacies unknown to modern astronomers. They deciphered an 819-day planetary cycle using their base-20 math system, integrating it into their cultural knowledge. Join Jeromino as he shares details and stories January meetingabout this fascinating history.
CAS Monthly Meetings and Astronomical Programs are held the
Saturday closest to the Full Moon at the Mars Hill Campus of
Lowell Observatory, Hendricks Center for Planetary Studies
Auditorium (6:45 pm - 8:00 pm)., unless otherwise noted) followed
by refreshments, and informal discussion. Meetings are open and free
to the public.